A Letter To My Daughters

Dear B, D, & E,

This book is simply a collection of thoughts and ideas based on personal observation. Things I have come across or pondered that I wish to make note of for you. Much of this was written by way of voice recordings taken while on walks, hikes, or driving from one place to another. Some time later, at my desk, I would transcribe and expand upon or discard these thoughts. While I have made a modest attempt to group passages into similar topics, the book holds to no particular order and may at times seem as random as the thoughts that pass through our minds from one moment to the next. 

I offer this book with the hope that from time to time you may pick it up and read a passage and that what you find might inspire you to stop for a moment and think more deeply about life, about your own place in this world and the type of person you wish to be. I offer this book to you hoping it will be around long after I am gone, and that it will help you remember what your father was like as a person. Above all else, I offer you this book so that you will always remember how dearly I loved each of you.


Your father